
2016-09-15 12:29 GMT-04:00 Vaibhav Palkar <>:
> I'm indeed resetting my time step using get_status().delta_t_guess for the
> next step. The step has not reached max_delta, coarsen_param is set to 1.2.
> Any other reasons this can happen?
I would need to see your code to understand why this happens. That
part of the library is pretty simple, we just check that the error is
less than coarsen_tol and if it is, delta_t_guess is multiplied by

> The reason I was trying to avoid an implicit method is that it takes more
> time per time step. I had earlier implemented my own version of the implicit
> Euler(by formulating residuals and performing Newton iterations), which took
> really long to run. The explicit methods run faster because they don't need
> Newton iterations at every step. However, I guess I'll need to stick with
> implicit methods if this doesn't work out.
Implicit methods are more complicated and more expensive than explicit
methods but if your problem is stiff, you may need to use a time step
so small that it's worth using an implicit method. Also, generally,
the Newton solver should converge pretty quickly because you start
with a good initial guess.



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