>>>>> "Paul" == Paul R Tagliamonte <paul...@gmail.com> writes:

    Paul> Traditionally, ftpteam has had to take this role, since it is
    Paul> the body that decides if an upload is fit for main.

    Paul> I am one of those folks that treat minified JS as binary,
    Paul> since things like removing comments and renaming variables to
    Paul> `a`, `b` `c` is done.  Dead code can also be trimmed (closure
    Paul> compiler). In my mind it's not hugely different than compiling
    Paul> nasm to an ELF. It may relate closely, but it's not how you'd
    Paul> modify it.

Paul, ftpmaster, would you be willing to give us a bit of time to figure
out if there's anything here for the TC to get involved in before we
jump into reopening the discussion of what is source code?
I'd hate to be a week into a long involved discussion and then realize
that the bug is in the wrong place.

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