
On 13/07/16 17:43, Don Armstrong wrote:
> On Wed, 13 Jul 2016, Sam Hartman wrote:
>> However, here we're asked to give advice on whether something is
>> source code. Is the question of what is the source code for a given
>> package technical, and thus within our remit?
> I think that's a narrow enough technical question for us to exercise
> 6.1.1 or 6.1.4, but I think the original decision on this question
> involves the ftpmasters (who have already accepted this package, but
> possibly without addressing this issue) or the release managers (who
> don't appear to have made a decision as to whether this bug is RC or
> not).
> I'd certainly be more comfortable if the ftpmasters and release managers
> would weigh in here.

The release team position on this is:

"All content in main and contrib must meet the DFSG, both in .debs and
in the source (including the .orig.tar.gz)"

(From https://release.debian.org/stretch/rc_policy.txt).

Which I think is perfectly sensible and reasonable, and I doubt there is any
controversy on that.

Now the question is whether this particular code is "source" or not. I think
that is up to the ftp team to decide.


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