On Sun, 04 Feb 2018, "Kingsley G. Morse Jr." <kings...@loaner.com> wrote:
> Hi Phil,
> I find I often benefit from other people's point
> of view.
> If you happen to have the time, and are so
> inclined, and it would be comfortable, feel free
> to elaborate on your comment in bug report #889493.
> I'm particularly curious why you wrote it had no
> merit.

If you look closely, you'll notice that I didn't actually write that,
but never mind.

For anything worthwhile to conceivably come out of such a bug, at least
one TC member would need to be at least a little interested in
discussing it, in which case they would certainly reopen the bug, and
we'd then continue as if I'd done nothing.

I look at that as simply changing the default state of the incoming bug
to closed[1].

Of course one would normally go to the effort of pointing out the
specific flaws in the submission, but I'm not going to do that in this
case because I wouldn't want to give the false impression that if only
you'd done a few things differently it would have been considered.

Submitting this bug demonstrates to me that you have fundamentally
misunderstood the purpose and power of the Technical Committee.  Once
that misunderstanding is rectified, you will no longer be tempted to
submit the bug in any form.  The fact that the original bug also fails
to conform with most of the bug submission guidelines is irrelevant.

To draw an analogy, you might as well spend your time writing to the
Oxford English Dictionary complaining about the inclusion of words you
don't like (although please don't, as they also have more useful things
to be doing than discarding post).

Cheers, Phil.

[1] I could imagine us doing that with all bugs in fact -- if the first
    person to get to the bug doesn't see it as worth discussing they
    simply close it and leave other members of the TC to reopen it if
    they disagree. This is much more efficient than leaving it open
    until after the next meeting, and doesn't give a false impression
    about what is happening to the submitter.  I can think of a couple
    of recent bugs that would have benefited from this approach ;-)
|)|  Philip Hands  [+44 (0)20 8530 9560]  HANDS.COM Ltd.
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