(switching from the bug to debian-ctte & secretary@)

Sean Whitton writes ("Bug#904302: Whether vendor-specific patch series should 
be permitted in the archive"):
> On Sun 29 Jul 2018 at 07:52AM +0200, Tollef Fog Heen wrote:
> > I believe his request might also be considered under §6.1.1, since we're
> > being asked about a policy change.  (After talking to Sean in person, he
> > said he intended it under §6.1.3, not §6.1.1, though.)
> I think technically it's §6.1.3 because according to the policy team
> delegation, we decide what goes into the policy manual.

Insofar as the policy delegation claims to delegate to the policy
editors the final decisions on what goes into policy (rather than
merely the routine task of editing the document) [1], it is ultra
vires.  The DPL cannot delegate a power they do not have.

Or to put it another way: even if the policy editors did not refer a
question to the TC, the TC could effectively overrule the policy
editors by using its power in 6.1.1.  Obviously this certainly ought
only to be considered after attempts to solve the problem another way
have been fully explored (6.3.6).

> But it certainly falls under at least one of §6.1.1 and §6.1.3, and not
> §6.1.4.

Obviously I agree with this.


[1] I don't read the delegation that way, but for this purpose the
wording of the delegation doesn't matter.

Ian Jackson <ijack...@chiark.greenend.org.uk>   These opinions are my own.

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