Hi Didier,

While I'm not necessarily disagreeing with the overall point(s) here,
some of the points in this list of arguments seem dubious at
best. Maybe you could expand?

>* having separate `/` and `/usr` filesystems has been useful in the past for
>  booting without initramfs onto a minimal root filesystem that carried just
>  enough to mount the `/usr` filesystem later in the boot process. Given the
>  evolution of physical hosts' capabilities, initramfs'es have been default in
>  Debian (and elsewhere) for a long time, and most systems no longer have an
>  intermediate state during boot in which they have only `/`, but not `/usr`,
>  mounted.
>* another use-case is to be able to share an identical `/usr` over a network
>  link; hence booting an initramfs, mounting a local `/`, then mounting `/usr`
>  over the network. It seems that an initramfs with everything needed to mount
>  a filesystem over a network link directly actually has a smaller footprint.
>* booting with `/` only is not systematically tested in Debian anymore;

I'm assuming you mean "/ without /usr" here?

>* the packaging infrastructure to install files outside of `/usr` is not
>  standard and represents technical debt:

I have no idea what you're suggesting here.

>* given its status as remnant "folklore", the distinction between what _needs_
>  to be shipped in `/` and what can stay in `/usr` is often interpreted
>  arbitrarily;
>* allowing shipment of identically-named libraries or binaries in different
>  paths can confuse common understanding of paths precedence.


>Various valid long-term desireable situations coexist, and while discussing
>immediate countermeasures, it is useful to keep the long-term outcome that
>those are most likely to produce.
>These are the five possible situations at the time of bullseye (buster + 1):
>* `none`: "merged `/usr`" has been reverted
>* `weak`: both directory schemes are allowed, packages only built on classical
>  hosts
>* `middle`: both directory schemes are allowed, packages can be built anywhere
>* `hard`: both directory schemes are allowed, packages only built on
>  "merged `/usr`" hosts
>* `all`: only "merged `/usr`" directory schemes are allowed, packages only
>  built on "merged `/usr`" hosts
>It can be summarized by the following table:
>|          |     Host types that are allowed       | Are merged `/usr` |     
>Official packages are built on    | Packages built on … can break on the other 
>| Codename | classical hosts | merged `/usr` hosts | symlinks allowed  | 
>classical hosts | merged `/usr` hosts |   classical hosts   |  merged `/usr` 
>hosts |
>|     none |       yes       |          no         |         no        |       
>yes       |          no         |         yes         |          yes         |
>|     weak |       yes       |         yes         |        yes        |       
>yes       |          no         |          no         |          yes         |
>|   middle |       yes       |         yes         |        yes        |       
>yes       |         yes         |          no         |           no         |
>|     hard |       yes       |         yes         |        yes        |       
> no       |         yes         |          no         |           no         |
>|      all |       no        |         yes         |        yes        |       
> no       |         yes         |         yes         |           no         |
>The current state of buster is `weak`.
>=== DRAFT Resolution ===
>The Technical Committee resolves to:
>* Option A: Ask the debootstrap maintainers to disable "merged `/usr`" by
>  default
>  (Using its §6.1.4 "Overrule a Developer" power; requires a 3:1 majority)
>  Given that:
>  * hosts with both directory schemes already exist,
>  * the "merged `/usr`" directory scheme ought to be reserved for special
>    use-cases,
>  * official packages ought to only be built on classical directory schemes,
>  … the Technical Committee considers that the desireable solution at the time
>  of bullseye is `weak`; and asks the debootstrap maintainers to disable
>  "merged `/usr`" by default.

There is a deeper worry about builds that may be done against the
"weak" background. Although buildd chroots are easily fixed up,
there's going to be a (small, but unknown) set of maintainers who
might be uploading binaries from merged systems. I think we're making
good progress on source-only uploads and building in clean chroots
etc., but...  It's also likely not easy to pick up on "wrong" binary
packages built this way.

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                st...@einval.com
The two hard things in computing:
 * naming things
 * cache invalidation
 * off-by-one errors                  -- Stig Sandbeck Mathisen

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