On Sun, Jun 15, 2003 at 02:17:23PM +0200, Santiago Vila wrote:

 > Read a previous message by Duncan Findlay. He said that 39.2668% of
 > all the spam might be blocked by using the DSBL, but doing that you
 > would block 0.0185% of ham.

 I just ran a quick test on my current email folders.  At the moment I
 have very little email stored in my Debian folders (198 messages
 actually).  I extracted IP addresses of machines connecting to master
 or murphy like this:

$ cd path/to/debian/mail
$ find -type f |
  while read f ; do
      formail -c -x Received < $f
  done |
  egrep 'by (murphy|master).debian.org' |
  perl -lne '/\[([0-9.]+)\]/ && print join(".", reverse (split /\./, $1))' |
  sort -n -u |
  grep -v '1\.0\.0\.127'

 That outputs 103 IP addresses.  Adding

  perl -pe 's/$/.list.dsbl.org/' |
  while read s ; do host $s ; done

 to that command I get a match for

 Searching for the matchin message I get:

    Subject: Someone for you.
    Message-Id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    X-Spam-Status: No, hits=3.5 required=5.0

 I'm sure I don't have to show you the email to convince you that it's
 spam.  Looking at my spam folder, I can extract 203 unique IP addresses
 (311 received emails) out of which 71 are *not* listed by
 list.dsbl.org.  I call that impressive.

 Feel free to come up with your own numbers using your own received

 Now the question again: why does debian-admin and/or listmaster oppose
 to running this in warning mode?  That'd be a much more accurate
 statistic since post-facto I can't tell if the IPs were added after
 observing the spam I'm testing with now, or if they were already
 present at the moment of reception.


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