On Mon, Jun 16, 2003 at 11:37:00AM +0200, Jesus Climent wrote:

 > The bandwidth reduction will only happen if you decide to discard the
 > mail, since the mail will always be accepted, scanned to find the IP
 > which originated the message, the IP will be checked agains the
 > database and then the mail will be tagged.

 The IP that's checked in the DSBL is the one of the machine opening the
 connection to the MTA running at murphy/master.  You don't actually
 scan the email headers.  You are right that the bandwidth is decreased
 only if the mail is rejected instead of being just tagged, of course.

 > The reduction happens in the output, but the load might increase in
 > the server.

 Bandwidth is much more expensive than CPU time.  The bandwidth required
 by the DNS lookups can also be reduced by maintaining a local cache.


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