On Wed, Aug 20, 2003 at 12:38:57PM +0200, cobaco wrote:
> On 2003-08-20 12:10, Michael Piefel wrote:
> > Am 20.08.03 um 11:08:28 schrieb cobaco:
> > > kde 3.2  release is slated for 8th december[1], is there any chance we'll
> > > wait for it, just so the outdated kde label doesn't apply again
> > > immediately after release?

> actually that's just it, if we release on 1st december and KDE releases on 
> 8th 
> december, then 7 days after release we no longer have the stable KDE release 
> in stable, which is a rather unfortunate timing, no?

No.  This is the way stable releases work.  You can't have the latest
and greatest version of the software in the distribution the day it
releases and expect the whole thing to actually be stable, and you
shouldn't ask the RM to delay the release on account of an impending
upstream release of one piece of software.  There's *always* new
software being released in the community, and KDE is probably very low
on the priority list *of those who use stable*.

KDE3.2 doesn't miss the deadline by 7 days, it misses the deadline by
almost two months:

* October 15th
   Final, last-minute, low-risk bug fixes only

If we manage to release Sarge and it contains the current upstream KDE
packages for a whole seven days, THAT is a noteworthy improvement all
its own.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

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