Andreas Tille wrote:
> I failed in ending this thread when I posted
> instead I caused two trolls making even more noise.
> I hope all you people are aware that you are causing a new duelling banjo
> case and helping out Google to connect Debian with hot-babes.

Honestly, other people are doing this on intention by using false keywords
and other techniques to fool search engines.  We only contribute to normal

> even if you do not understand German: I would love if Debian would
> become famous for releasing Sarge instead of discussing about
> hot-babes.

It is known that the Debian community is very vibrant and that it
doesn't avoid flamewars and hot discussions (even on "hot" topics).
Even though if it would be better to invest the energy in fixing
RC bugs instead of contributing to these threads, we all know that
people are unlikely to change.

> I have not read the contents of most of all these mail but even
> Godwin's law was issued.

The the discussion has reached its final state and will naturally
end, no?

>   2. If you feel obliged to continue to a thread which might Debian
>      connect to porn sites for Google or any other search machine
>      just fix an RC bug first and then send your mail.


>   3. Go to debian-curiosity with mails which do not belong to debian-devel.

Fwiw, it's debian-curiosa.

> PS: I just cleared my very fast /dev/null device for responses to this
>     mail of my own.  The sense was to reduce SPAM mails to this list and
>     not to produce even more - just in case people did not understand
>     my broken English.

To stop a thread, the best method normally is not to contribute to it.
Oh well, now I have failed this as well...



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