Dear Alex!

On Monday 07 November 2005 21:58, Alex Ross wrote:
> John Hasler wrote:
> > David Schmitt writes:
> >> I have downloaded the elatte_live_prealpha1_x86.iso.gz[1] from your
> >> website and found a dpkg binary on it.
> >>
> >> Much to my dismay I was not able to locate the source for this binary,
> >> despite it being obviously under the GPL[2].
> >
> > Was the requisite written offer included?  Would you be willing to check
> > the CD for other GPL software and notify the authors if you find any?
> It's a bug, bad link on a generated page.
> Here's the correct link:
> We'll look more into this. Thanks for the notice!

Thank you for your fast response!

I took a look at the URL you provided and still have the following problems:

* I found the files dpkg_1.13.10-0gnusol2.dsc and dpkg_1.13.10-0gnusol2.tar.gz 
which declare a Build-Dependency on libncurses5-dev | libncurses-dev. Neither 
of which can be satisfied using your Sources file from

* Since this is based on Debian, I expected to find a build-essential package 
detailling further build requirements. I was not able to find such. Please 
consider adding such a package as a service to your users as well as 
documentation for your further obligations under the GPL Section 2.

* Further I downloaded some of the sunw* source packages which all seem to be 
empty except for some boilerplate code under the respective debian/ 

Thus I kindly request you to supply the sources for the full development 
environment (including headers, scripts, kernel, compiler and libraries) 
since most of these seem to accompany dpkg on the distributed ISO.

* While browsing through your I couldn't find source for your version 
( of apt nor your version of debhelper (4.9.3elatte), since both 
are GPL and the latter is even a build-dependency for some of the sunw* 
packages I kindly request that you fullfill your obligation under the GPL 
that you provide the sources for these packages too.

Regards, David Schmitt
- hallo... wie gehts heute?
- *hust* gut *rotz* *keuch*
- gott sei dank kommunizieren wir über ein septisches medium ;)
 -- Matthias Leeb, Uni f. angewandte Kunst, 2005-02-15

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