Le mardi 12 juin 2007 à 09:24 +0100, Scott James Remnant a écrit :
> Changing the unit prefixes is just a geek "precision" gratification that
> will confuse everybody who is used to talking about "kilobytes", "and
> gigabytes"...

The confusion lies in the current situation. Bringing precision doesn't
bring any confusion.

>       "My computer has two gigabytes of RAM!"
>       "Aha!  No it doesn't!"
>       "It says two gigabytes."
>       "No, you mean two gibibytes!  A gigabyte is ten-to-the-nice
>        bytes, whereas a gibibyte is two-to-the-thirty bytes!"
>       *punch*
>       "Ow!  You broke my nose!"

We're not talking about spoken language here. Nobody cares about
gigabytes / gibibytes when discussing how much RAM / disk / horsepower a
computer has. We are talking of fixing computer programs with incorrect
or confusing display.

Of course, I don't usually care that file sizes in my browser window are
displayed in kibibytes and mebibytes. Not until I select some of them,
see the total size, and ask myself whether they fit on a DVD.

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