Josselin Mouette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> For your information, this was ironic. There is no compositing manager
> in metacity as no one seemed interested enough in developing it.

Ah, I see. Not everyone follows the development of every window manager
on earth, so you couldn't really expect me to get your irony. Anyway...

> Another unfounded assumption: that you need to configure your shortcuts
> to be more productive.

Err, did you ever wonder why Emacs is so popular among people who
actually use their computer?

> A good application should come up with good shortcuts already
> configured. Plus, they should be similar across applications. This is so
> that you don't get lost in front of another account or a new
> application.

I disagree. Applications are different; they provide different features,
and therefore cannot have the same shortcuts except for a handful of
things, such as copy, paste and quit. If you only accept "standard
shortcuts", then all other features are not accessible from the
keyboard, with the result that in most cases, the app won't be very
usable, unless there are means to customize one's own shortcuts.

> The GTK+ development used to be close to that of GIMP, but now it is
> sticking to the GNOME releases and is mostly done by GNOME developers.
> GIMP has still its own team, working with its insane development process
> with one release each time hell freezes.

Okay, so at least this confirms my impression that the GTK+ development
is heavily influenced by the GNOME project.


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