Kevin Chadwick dijo [Thu, Aug 28, 2014 at 02:40:39PM +0100]:
> I think you are reflecting a subset of users priorities. I've switched
> users from desktop to desktop and they don't care a jot about
> flashiness in fact many like simple but pretty which is perfectly
> do-able with almost any window manager, what they hate is 
> a) things moving too much that they can't find
> b) not being able to do what they want or things disappearing
> Looking Flashy is always enticing but not at any functional expense
> and limited performance expense.
> Gnome 3 is getting both a and b wrong.

Hear, hear. 

Remember all the hype that arose when Beryl was announced, with
per-window transparency settings, the rotating cube, wobbly windows,
and all that. It was flashy, and I do think it made some heads turn to
Linux, previously perceived as plainly fugly.

Beryl and its ideas came and went. Yes, some ideas stuck and became
useful. But I'm very glad that did not become the standard for desktop

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