On Tue, Apr 08, 2014 at 12:46:59PM -0500, Gunnar Wolf wrote:
> Hear, hear. 
> Remember all the hype that arose when Beryl was announced, with
> per-window transparency settings, the rotating cube, wobbly windows,
> and all that. It was flashy, and I do think it made some heads turn to
> Linux, previously perceived as plainly fugly.
> Beryl and its ideas came and went. Yes, some ideas stuck and became
> useful. But I'm very glad that did not become the standard for desktop
> interaction.

It was the standard -- for a while -- and for that while it was the
golden years of the Linux desktop (in my mind)

We had features no one else did, people were pushing the bounds of what
we thought were posible and having a great time doing it. Yeah, a lot of
it was silly, but a lot of really good stuff came out of it that I can't
get these days.

After the KDE4 and GNOME3 rewrites (which are hugely important and vital
to our success) I don't mind Compiz died, but for a *long* time this was
the standard, and it was the most advanced window manager.

Someone remind me; is Unity still a Compiz plugin, or did that die too?


 .''`.  Paul Tagliamonte <paul...@debian.org>  |   Proud Debian Developer
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