On Wed, Apr 09, 2014 at 10:50:11AM +0100, Ghislain Vaillant wrote:
> IMHO, GNOME 3 in *classic mode* get it right. I use it daily and only
> got positive comments from other Linux and non-Linux users. FYI, the DE
> popularity in my lab is split between Unity (ahead by far), GNOME and
> KDE. None of them is running XFCE to my knowledge.
> However, I believe XFCE *could* be a good default DE for Debian, but
> some efforts need to be made with regards to the default theme and
> layout. Users do care about visual identity (or call it brand
> recognition if you like), and currently XFCE in Debian does not have
> any, I am afraid.

Going from Gnome2 to Gnome3 my first reaction was "What the F***" and
its still like that after using G3 for ~ 2 years. Gnome3 broke
a lot of stuff for me like monitor hotplug multihead stuff, i miss a
correctly supported nautilus Desktop (i know gnome-tweaks but nautilus
as desktop background is completely broken). When i click on the
iceweasel butten i REALLY MEAN TO OPEN A NEW WINDOW and not get the
existing one to the front. I know how to find a running application.
gnome-terminal went from broken to unusable so i switched to roxterm.
The notification stuff is unusable and so is using pidgin. I dont
see waiting IMs anymore so i had to switch to more intrusive
notification plugins in pidgin.

G3 trys to be clever and trys to mother me and take care of everything,
but for me it fails so horribly and stands in my way.

I am feeling the pain and look at the mess every single day and i cant
really understand what people thought building G3. 

KDE breaks my vision. Its full of myriads of options and eye candy
although most of the time i simply want a terminal multiplexer but 
translucent windows are not an accessibility plus.

XFCE is a good option and i have been playing with it for a while but
it feels very rough at the edges - still a lot better than G3 at not
standing in my way.

My collegues completely switched to cinnamon and laugh at my resistance
in giving up on Gnome.

Florian Lohoff                                                 f...@zz.de

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