In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you wrote:
>Adam Di Carlo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> I thought they needed this db2* scriptage.  The db2* scripts kinda 
>> suck if you ask me (and not comment from upstream on my specific
>> technical arguments why they suck) but I'm happy to include them.
>> Please just patch!
>The Cygnus stylesheets differ by much more than just db2* scripts.
>On the Norm Walsh portion of the tree (only about half the package),
>diffstat says:
>   376 files changed, 50652 insertions, 735 deletions
>Essentially, Cygnus has forked the code.


I understand that Gnome needs db2* scripts... why do they need the Cygnus 

>> >Perhaps it can be merged with docbook-stylesheets?  Right now, it's
>> >set up to conflict with that package.  The packaging is relatively
>> >crude in comparison, because I needed to get it out in a hurry.
>> I'd rather if you just sent me patches.  That would seem easier for all
>> than creating a package then abandoning it.  Obsolete pacakges tend
>> to pile up on users' boxes.
>> Please patch from the potato docbook-stylesheets if you could.
>You are asking me to merge two upstream packages which have forked.
>That's a big job.  People have been jumping up and down on me for
>weeks to get Gnome out.

Maybe you could point me to the sources and I could whip it up pretty
quick.  Or give me what you're working on.

To be honest, there's absolutely no reason the two forks of the 
stylesheets have to conflict.  They should be able to co-exist fine.


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