In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you wrote:
>Adam Di Carlo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> I understand that Gnome needs db2* scripts... why do they need the Cygnus 
>> stylesheets?
>They use them internally at Cygnus for their documentation.  They are
>unsupported for outside use.
>Don't ask me why Gnome decided to use them.  I suppose it's because
>Mark Galassi is helping out with the docs.

Well, I hope it has a license that enables redistribution.

>> To be honest, there's absolutely no reason the two forks of the 
>> stylesheets have to conflict.  They should be able to co-exist fine.
>The only reason I made them conflict is because they both register
>Norm Walsh's stylesheets.

That is evil evil evil and I can't tolerate that, no matter what 
RedHat does.  I'm going to have to track down Mark and slap
him into next week for doing that.  I hope you don't mind if I don't
support such broken behavior in the debian package.

But I'm happy to package it; it should be almost
identical in the debian/* as docbook-stylesheets.

>I'm not sure how much Cygnus tweaked their
>version.  It could be quite a bit since they are using it for internal
>use.  Maybe there would be little difference if we used the "real"
>Norm Walsh ones instead?  Unfortunately, I don't have enough time to
>experiment at the moment.
>I've put the package up at:
>I didn't put a lot of effort into it.  I just tried to get it to work
>like the RPM does.

I'll need someone with an 'in' on the gnome
team to tell me if my package is doing the right thing, since the
point is gnome, not mimicing the .rpm.

This is for potato, of course, right?


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