On Sat, Apr 01, 2000 at 03:20:00PM +0100, Ian Jackson wrote:
> If you really want the topic only to continue in email I suggest that
> you abide by that yourself !  If you continue to post these kinds of
> heated messages on -devel you can hardly complain when people respond.

It's a matter of degrees.  You and I know how long the messages are that
we've exchanged about SAUCE over the past couple of days.

I see no reason not to reply when people imply to me that I should thank my
lucky stars that people don't have me on an anti-spam blacklist, despite
the fact that zero spams have ever come from my machine.  One group of
antispammers says that SMTP'ing from a dynamically assigned IP should be
verboten, and enforce their opinion by bouncing or dropping all such mails.
You have told me that you think I shouldn't be SMTP'ing from my own machine
*even though* my IP is statically assigned!

I resent these paternalistic attitudes and multiplicity of standards.  They
do absolutely nothing to promote the reliability of the net.

We have standards for a reason.  In the hysterical rampage against the
obnoxious twits who send spam, we're flushing the reliability of email down
the toilet.  Individual users must twist themselves into one pretzel to
satisfy the DUL, another to satisfy ORBS (where you can be blacklisted by
association, not for doing anything wrong on your own box), a third to
satisfy SAUCE (where the concept of blacklisting has been turned on its
head and you must qualify for a "whitelist" before it deigns to listen to
you).  I'm sure the list will continue to grow as certain individuals find
the measures of all of the above insufficient.

G. Branden Robinson            |         Psychology is really biology.
Debian GNU/Linux               |         Biology is really chemistry.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]         |         Chemistry is really physics.
roger.ecn.purdue.edu/~branden/ |         Physics is really math.

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