Hola, me apunto a hacer la revisión y colaborar en la traducción de
lo que haga falta, tenemos que enfocar nuestros esfuerzos en esto,
creo que alguien reconocido podría enviar un correo informando que
queremos que el d-i Manual en español esté.   Más voluntarios?

Frans> The new version of the Installation Guide was built and uploaded earlier 
Frans> today. The version on the Debian website [1] should get updated some 
Frans> tomorrow.
Frans> Thanks, as always, to all translators for their hard work. I'm very 
Frans> to see that we now have almost the same number of translations as we had 
Frans> for Etch. The main missing translations are Spanish and Vietnamese, but 
Frans> we gained Greek.
Frans> To the Spanish translation team: please contact me if you would still 
Frans> to give it a shot. There are various ways in which we could do that.
Frans> The same goes for Clytie for the Vietnamese translation of course.
Frans> The string freeze for the manual is ended, but with the following 
Frans> comments:
Frans> * I would like to keep the option open to do an extra upload for Lenny
Frans>   in case important errata are discovered or in case there are late
Frans>   changes in D-I or CDs
Frans> * so please do not commit any major changes or unnecessary changes yet
Frans> * changes describing post-lenny functionality should be committed using
Frans>   the <para condition="squeeze"> and similar syntax we've also used for
Frans>   Etch and Lenny; feel free to ping me for help
Frans> * patches for post-Lenny functionality can also be sent to me, in which
Frans>   case I will queue them up and commit them at some later time
Frans> Translators: please continue to keep an eye out for updates in the final 
Frans> run up to Lenny. And if you have time for reviews of your translation, 
Frans> then please do so.
Frans> Cheers,
Frans> FJP
Frans> [1] http://www.debian.org/releases/lenny/installmanual

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