On Mon, 5 Mar 2007 12:42:49 +0100 Mathieu Stumpf wrote:

> Okay, I'm planning to make some maps for stepmanie[1], but I would
> like to map songs that will have no legal problem to be include in
> Debian.

I really appreciate that you thought about this aspect *before* doing
all the work (that is to say, before it's too late...).

> So I red some threads but I didn't find any final answer, are CC
> 3.0[2] (and which one?) and free art license okay with the DFSG[3]?
> Regards etc.
> [1] http://www.stepmania.com/
> [2] http://lists.debian.org/debian-legal/2007/02/msg00059.html
> [3] http://lists.debian.org/debian-legal/2004/09/msg00131.html

As far as CC-v3.0 are concerned, my personal opinion should be clear
from the message[2] that you yourself cite: I don't think that any
CC-v3.0 license meets the DFSG. Other people disagree with me, though.

You didn't find any "final answer" because the thread didn't reach a
clear consensus (and possibily is not even over, just in pause for a
Please note that there's another thread[4] which slipped to debian-legal
from the cc-licenses mailing list.

[4] http://lists.debian.org/debian-legal/2007/02/msg00063.html

Also note that both threads continue on the next month (which is, BTW,
*this* month!).

As far as the Free Art License is concerned, my opinion is:
  * it does not meet the DFSG
  * it'a poorly drafted license
  * it seems to be primarily designed for material works of art
    (statues, physical paintings, ...), rather than for non-material
    ones (i.e.: digital works)

If I recall correctly, little consensus was reached last time we
discussed this license on debian-legal[5][6].

[5] http://lists.debian.org/debian-legal/2006/04/msg00257.html
[6] http://lists.debian.org/debian-legal/2006/05/msg00003.html


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