On Thu,  8 Mar 2007 14:21:34 +0000 (GMT) MJ Ray wrote:

> Evan Prodromou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > [...] I also believe that a large number of debian-legal
> > participants have said that the DRM clause, as it stands, is free
> > enough to allow distribution under DRM if such DRM is not
> > "effective" [...]
> I'm now sufficiently confused by CC/DRM/DReaM and others that I would
> advise everyone to run away, run away from that lawyerbomb.  I seem
> to remember that RMS also advised people to avoid promoting CC until
> they sort out what the devil they stand for.  Until we see a few of
> the anti-TPM zealots try to use CC to punish parallel distribution,
> we probably won't know what the current licence means in practical
> terms.

Agreed fully.

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