On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 12:19 AM, Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:

> there are other ways you can satisfy clause 13, namely, the usual
> channels of distribution that the GPL provides, plus a trivial network
> server to indicate those other ways.

The license does not require you to provide your own "network server" to
indicate anything.  All you need is to include is a pointer to *a* network
server hosting the code.

That is, if you're hosting a modified version of a game server, you're
required to "prominently offer" players the URL of a location on "a network
server" which hosts a diff of your minor changes, a tarball of files you've
replaced, a VCS branch with your changes applied on top of the version you
forked from, or a full copy of the version you're running.

This can be Savannah, shifting the hosting cost to the FSF/GNU if you feel
it's too much.  They'll gladly host your modified code for free, as will a
number of different groups.

In the case of PySoy, we'll gladly host PySoy-based games, branch of our
engine, or branch of any dependency.  I see this as a convience to us and
our users.

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