Andrew Shadura <> writes:

> python-jsmin claims to be a Python rewrite of jsmin, but it's not
> clear if it's infected by Douglas Crockford's "evilness" or not? It's
> in Debian currently, but look here:

For context in this discussion, here is the relevant comment from that
bug report:

    Tom "spot" Callaway 2013-10-07 22:39:53 EDT

    Sadly, the fact that this is based on Douglas Crockford's non-free
    jsmin makes this one non-free as well. […]

 \       “If you make people think they're thinking, they'll love you; |
  `\     but if you really make them think, they'll hate you.” —Donald |
_o__)                                             Robert Perry Marquis |
Ben Finney

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