Thanks Daniel for the quick and helpfull response.

The business focus will be the course, and the image is only a way of
having all the students begin the lessons from the same starting point.

Thanks again for your help,


On Fri, May 19, 2023, 19:07 Daniel Hakimi <> wrote:

> As long as you comply with the GPL, this is perfectly acceptable. Note
> that this includes making source code available and allowing licensees to
> redistribute your OS freely, so charging for your version might not be the
> most effective way go make money—I could just throw up an iso torrent for
> free—but it could work.
> RedHat, for example, charges for RHEL (packaged with support). CentOS was
> a famous fork that originally only changed trademarkable features (names
> and logos) and charged one vent per copy. This didn't stop RedHat from
> becoming a profitable venture, of course.
> On Fri, May 19, 2023, 12:51 Borja Sanchez <>
> wrote:
>> Dear Debian Project Team,
>> My name is Borja Sanchez, writting from Spain. I am currently planning to
>> run a paid course where I will distribute a modified version of Debian,
>> rebranded and renamed. This software will be offered at no extra cost as
>> part of the course materials.
>> In addition to this, I wish to inform you that I am also considering
>> charging a fee for this customized software in the future, separate from
>> the course fees.
>> The custom OS version will be built from the latest Debian stable
>> version, by running a live-build process to build a ISO image with custom
>> packages, scripts, assests pre-installed.
>> With these points in mind, I have two key questions:
>> 1. I would like to confirm that these proposed actions comply with the
>> GPL's guidelines and Debian's policies.
>> 2. I am interested to know if there are any other considerations,
>> requirements, or permissions I should be aware of before proceeding with
>> this plan.
>> Your expert advice and guidance on this matter would be greatly
>> appreciated. I value your work and aim to respect the open-source
>> principles that Debian upholds.
>> Thank you for your time. I look forward to your response.
>> Best regards,
>> Borja Sanchez

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