Quoting Toerless Eckert (2018-02-19 17:09:32)
> On Mon, Feb 19, 2018 at 10:30:55AM +0000, Daniel James wrote:
>> I think this confusion stems from the time when 
>> debian-multimedia.org was an independent repo.
>> The name change to http://deb-multimedia.org/ happened over five 
>> years ago, but there are still plenty of references to the old name 
>> online, including the Wikipedia page for Debian:
>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debian#Multimedia_support
> Right. Which is why i think some better text on 
> https://wiki.debian.org/DebianMultimedia would be helpfull. I for once 
> found and used this URL
> https://howto.biapy.com/en/debian-gnu-linux/system/software/install-the-debian-multimedia-apt-repositories
> Now i think i need an advanced degree in debian package management
> to remove installed packages from that repo again, because just
>   - removing ftp://ftp.deb-multimedia.org/ from /etc/apt/sources.list
>   - apt-update
>   - apt-upgrade
>   - apt autoremove
> did not suggest me anything that would identify or remove package that 
> i had installed from that repo.

Unfortunately there is no simple "do this to revert" after having messed 
up a system by adding incompatible packages.

Possibly you can revert, maybe easy but maybe not, but even if succesful 
then your concrete experience cannot be codified into a general guide to 
be put onto the Debian wiki: The sensible part is "no - don't do it!"

Or put differently: Debian never tested nor promised compatibility with 
deb-multimedia - in fact we did our best to advice _against_ using it.  
If someone else did - deb-multimedia or Wikipedia or your friendly 
neighbour - hinted that it would work, then please work with _them_ to 
improve _their_ documentation to cover reversal if it breaks anyway.

Perhaps suggest the authors of howto.biapy.com to improve their guide?

 - Jonas

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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