Le March 10, 2008 04:44:35 pm Noah Meyerhans, vous avez écrit :
> On Mon, Mar 10, 2008 at 04:33:53PM -0400, Filipus Klutiero wrote:
> > > Their public one, the one you referenced.
> >
> > Argh. If I'm asking about a statement, that's because I read it.
> > Obviously, the author didn't bother checking whether he was right, which
> > is why I'm asking whether there are some people that disagree.
> The author of that public statement, being a member of the security
> team, was speaking on the teams behalf when he said that "The Debian
> project is proud to be able to support its old distribution for such a
> long time..."
> Why should you care if anybody disagrees?
Because if somebody disagrees, the statement is inaccurate which is a good 
enough reason to remove or change it.

> I don't care if you think we 
> shouldn't be proud.  We are and we will continue to be.
My point is not to tell you to stop being proud, it's to avoid bragging in 
public communications. You can be as proud as you want.

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