On Sat, 27 Dec 1997, Timothy Hospedales wrote:

> Are you guys using Netscape 3.01? Thats the version that the netscape
> debian package is. I take it there are no newer versions of netscape for
> linux?

There's a version of communicator for linux someplace,  but I'm still
using 3.01 ... communicator is kinda bloated,  and I really only want it
for the browser;  I don't care about the mail interfaces,  etc. ... 

A word about the the "netscape debian package" -- redistribution terms on
netscape are screwy,  so the package you found requires you to first
download the proper binary release .tar.gz file from ftp.netscape.com,
and the package installs it for you.  I beleive that there is a
communicator installer-package probably in unstable.

If you want a simple,  powerful email/news client,  I recommend pine.
It's nonfree because you can't redistribute it for profit,  but works
good, and runs really well in an xterm ... I use it because it's what we
use at school,  and I can run it without X across a dialup link when I
have to.


|                       http://www.cis.udel.edu/~lowe/                   |
|The problem with computers:                                             |
|                                                                        |
|                      rivendell[501] [~]> love me                       |
|                      bash: love: command not found                     |
|                      rivendell[502] [~]> hug me                        |
|                      bash: hug: command not found                      |

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