On 3 Aug 1998, Manoj Srivastava wrote:

>       in make menuconfig, turn off anythig you do not need
>  immediately, like any unknown drivers. (look at makefiles and .config
>  to know what to turn off).
>       I too have a hinote vp 575 laptop and a Xircom ehternet/modem
>  card, but I have not yet loaded Linux on the laptop -- I'sd
>  appreciate it if you would keep me posted.

I finally got 2.0.31 to compile --- and that was achieved by deconfiguring
a whole stack of drivers.  I still don't know why I couldn't compile it
with these drivers, but fortunately I didn't need any of them. 

I think you said before that the kernel source tree should be self
sufficient---providing its own headers.  What about things like stdio.h
etc?  Because I think these were the things letting down the side.

When I finally did get 2.0.31 to compile - sure enough the Zircom
ethernet/modem worked fine.  I wondered however whether the problem with
getting the Zircom card to work wasn't so much the kernel version, but
something to do with these other drivers.  I tried compiling 2.0.32 with
all the unnecessary drivers deconfigured and sure enough, the Zircom card
worked for this kernel too!  (Whereas for the out-of-the-box debian 2.0.32
kernel it doesn't work.)  I can't see why deconfiguring these extra
drivers should make any difference, but it obviously does!

Thanks again for your help, and for your info on /usr/include/asm symlinks
and the like.



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