Bob Bernstein wrote:
> Money changes people. And money talks and bs walks. That's all I'm saying.

You make some valid points about the danger for Debian and
GNU/Linux. IMHO the Corel distribution, like some others, is
getting away from the real importance of GNU/Linux. The points
are, as Richard Stallman keeps pointing out, free software - not
Open Source, and the fact that GNU/Linux is very different from
windoze in that it is interactive. It allows us to see what's
happening, and change it if we want to. Hiding things behind a
GUI takes away the option to control the processess in the way we
can at present. 

Corel and other distros are going down the GUI windoze road - to
make things *easier*. Which means, hide what's going on and make
it more difficult to change things, as well as
*protect* their  GUI's and *installers* and other bits with
nonGPL licenses.

 Perhaps more support should be given to developing the Hurd?

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