On 5/12/99 Bart Szyszka wrote:

This is exactly what I was thinking. The windows installer uses a generic
16-color, 640x480 mode ("Standard SVGA" or just "Standard VGA"?) and
I've never heard of anyone having graphic-card related problems with it.
Why can't someone do something similar with Linux? Is that what Corel

this is exactly what it already does, it runs a generic server at lowest common denominator modes, the problem is even generic servers must have support for various cards, because all cards are not created equal and have various degrees of proprietary obfuscation and other differences that make creating a `single always works generic server' easier said then done.

MS simply has a `more generic' "server" then we do.

BTW corel's generic X server fails too from what i have heard. the difference is corel does not `allow' you to use a console based installer so if the generic server fails you are expected to get a new computer :-)

personally i think the ncurses based installers both look better(*) and are just as easy to use (easier IMO) then an X based installer. and are certainly more reliable. besides which is easier, a X installer that won't run or the console based installer?

* at 640x480 16 color mode 60Hz (or less) refresh rate EVERYTHING looks like sh*t ;-)

Ethan Benson
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