I know this may sound insane, especially to the minds of people who are 
conditioned to believe, that the official version of reality is the highest 
truth available.

But this is not a joke, and I have found some overwhelming documentation and 
research that supports the claim of this email in a book named "The Biggest 
Secret - the book that will change the world" by David Icke (540 pages).

You can read the book for free or print it out from this site:    
Or you can go to the website of the author for more information:  

I am not affiliated with David Icke or his website in any way, and I will not 
mail you again.


You may consider this email as spam, and you are free to blame me, but please 
ask yourself first if you would't warn your fellow humans, if you were aware 
that massive manipulation, abuse, torture and killing of children, women and 
men is taking place every day performed by 'people' in the highest places of 
power? (Many of which in fact are of a reptilian bloodline and can shift their 
shape back and forth between a human form and their natural reptilian-human 
looking form - similar to the ability of chameleons to change their color at 

With kind regards from an independent truth seeker who just wishes to inform 
you what really is going on in the world - not just repeating the official 
version of reality.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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