Patrick Kirk wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 12, 2002 at 12:20:02PM +0100, Debian User wrote:
> >I know this may sound insane, especially to the minds of people who are 
> >conditioned to believe, that the official version of reality is the highest 
> >truth available.

Perhaps it might be better not to make fun of those with mental illness.
Although mental illness as severe as David Icke's is rare, I have heard
that a good 10% of people have to deal with mental illness at some time
in their life.

As a matter of fact, I know whereof I speak -- I got a plastics exposure 
back in 1991 that required treatment with Prednisone, an internal
What the doctor didn't tell me was that there are many severe and varied
side effects, one of which was a withdrawal symptom of paranoia.  In my
case, I was afraid that there was something in my food for a month or so
-- I realized that my fears were irrational, but couldn't change them. 
It was only a few years later that I discovered *why* I had gone through

Then in 1997, it turned out that my downstairs neighbor was on
permanent, major doses of prednisone, and was a full-blown psychotic, on
par with David Icke.  She was convinced that my wife and I were walking
around on her cieling, following her whereever she went.  She appeared
at our door with a TV-crew's video camera...  

It isn't funny.  The first case was scary insofar as I didn't know why I
was afraid, and thought I was going crazy (I was, but short term).  The
second case was pretty scary until she got her own home, and even then
after that.  

Just a thought...

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