Freddy Freeloader wrote:

> When will you socialists learn to understand that the extremely high
> taxes and all the government programs you have are all forms of
> control?

It depends on the country it's practiced whether this is a bad thing.  The
US would be highly compatible as all power of the government flows from the
citizen to the government, not the other way around.  Democratic socialism
compliments democracy and maintains the citizen's control.  This isn't your
grandfather's Soviet socialism.

> Socialist governments are about control of the citizenry.

That's patently false.  Socialism is an economic model, not a political one.

> I went to work for the Veterans Administration a few years (16) ago, for
> about a year....  I worked as an HVAC technician for one of their
> hospitals.  What a joke that place was.  They were paying a "journeyman"
> HVAC tech more than the journeyman techs in the area, and this fool
> couldn't even interpret a set of gauges or troubleshoot his way out of a
> paper bag.  He'd have been fired after a day or two on the job in any
> HVAC service organization I've ever worked for because nothing, and I
> mean nothing, he ever worked on worked after he touched it.  The
> hospital was having to call in private firms to actually get things
> done.  His method of "repairing" an A/C was to go tell the women that
> were complaining it was too hot in their offices was that they must be
> having hot flashes.  He'd do that after he "adjusted" the thermostat in
> their room so it would read a few degrees lower than it actually was.

Private contractors are notoriously unreliable regardless of industry. 
Sounds reminiscent of every Qwest technician I've ever encountered, and
phone systems are easy to fix.  If Qwest didn't own the lines in my
building, I could have fixed the problem myself in minutes.  Instead, I get
my fourth service call in as many weeks about the same problem and my phone
has never worked.  Great example of why critical infrastructure should be
in the hands of the people, not of private industry.

> The way to really improve our country is to keep the government out of
> just about everything.  Government has a role to play in the lives of
> its people, but that role isn't that of a nanny who creates citizenry
> dependent on government for everything in their lives.

The government was created by the people, for the people.  If you don't like
it, it's because you aren't active in getting your voice out.  Take
advantage of your jurisdiction's sunshine laws and go to the capital unless
you want people like me to be your voice.

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