On Mon, 5 Mar 2007 08:54:37 -0500
Curt Howland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> On Monday 05 March 2007 02:22, "Roberto C. Sanchez" 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> was heard to say:
> > See, and I have been losing respect for the rest of world for
> > interfering too much in people's daily lives and sitting idly by
> > (or providing only token participation) while the US protects them
> > and renders massive aid to the victims of natural disaster.
> The US doesn't protect anyone. If the US were actually interested in 
> defense, rather than empire, the military bases overseas would be 
> closed, rather than manned in 170 countries, of which, what, 2 
> are "at war" with the US?

"The US doesn't protect anyone" ? I suppose you mean that its motive is
not primarily defensive, but denying that they are actually protecting
any other countries is ludicrous.


> If you want to have a positive effect, the first thing to do is get 
> government out of the way. Might does not make right.

The first proposition in this paragraph does not in any way follow from
the second; just because might doesn't make right, it doesn't follow
that government can't have a positive effect (although I concede to you
libertarians that its ability to do so is often overestimated). Perhaps
you mean to say that "might cannot make right", but that isn't the
common aphorism, which means merely that might isn't a sufficient
condition (or cause) for being right.


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