On a re-read of what I wrote earlier, it might be a little confusing where I
say you
need static network set up and then instruct on how to do DHCP.  Perhaps I
can just make an assumption or two and give you some simple steps.

Assuming your ISP does use PPPoE, and you are using the router device
to connect your system to the ISP/Internet:

1.  Disable pppd.  This is important.  I think the command would be:
update-rc.d disable pppd

2. Ensure eth0 network device will be able to get an IP from the router
via DHCP.  This would be the entry in /etc/network/interfaces I mentioned

allow-hotplug eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

3. Reboot to allow pppd to go away and dhcp client to kick in.

4. Verify your IP and routing are good:

route -n

(Here is mine:

route -n
Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use
Iface     U     0      0        0 eth1         UG    0      0        0 eth1


Yours would be similar except 192.168.1 everywhere and likely eth0.

ifconfig -a

I think the output of that is covered previously.

5. Start up a web browser and visit your Billion router at whatever IP the
router documentation says it is running on.

6. Configure the router for Internet (WAN) access according to the ISP's

7. The Internet should now work from the Debian system.

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