
> Linux is stable and flash player isn't Linux, flash player development for
>> Linux already is dropped, there will be no future versions for Linux. If
>> people want Microsoft/Apple, regarding to Apple flash player is a bad
>> example ;), they should use Microsft/Apple. Linux is an OS for itself, not
>> a Replacement-OS for other OS. It's a misconception.
>> If you need flash player, then Linux isn't a good choice for your needs.
>>  I'm fairly certain Adobe is still developing Flash Player for Linux and
> has no plans to stop. I just got an update on Arch maybe a week ago. Please
> cite this assertion with some official announcement from Adobe. Otherwise
> you're just making that up.
> <snip>

Direct from Adobe's Flashplayer download page :

"*NOTE*: Adobe Flash Player 11.2 will be the last version to target Linux
as a supported platform. Adobe will continue to provide security backports
to Flash Player 11.2 for Linux."


Shane D. Johnson
IT Administrator
Rasmussen Equipment

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