Le 09.03.2014 12:41, Anubhav Yadav a écrit :
Hello list,

I have installed mpd and ncmpcpp.

In the /etc/mpd.conf these are the changes that I have made

music_directory     "/home/neo1691/Music/"
user                "mpd"
#group            "nogroup"  (This was commented out by default)

That's it nothing else!

Whenever I start my laptop, the service mpd is already started
mpd       3304  0.0  0.0 411928   820 ?        Ssl  13:04   0:00
/usr/bin/mpd /etc/mpd.conf

When I start ncmpcpp, pressing u does not update the list, and my
playlist always remains blank.

This is what I have tried so far:

1) I tried to change the permissions of one or two music files inside
/home/neo1691/Music and granted read permissions to everyone.

Result: ncmpcpp is still plain blank.

2) I also tried changing the music_directory to its default value,
ie(/var/lib/mpd/music), copied some music there and then started ncmpcpp.

Result: Nothing again.

3) I tried changing the user option in ncmpcpp to neo1691, then the
service mpd would never start.

Please help! Thanks!
Anubhav Yadav
Imperial College of Engineering and Research,

What I usually does to make my mpds working, is to use symbolic links from my real music dir to /var/lib/mpd/music, and enable symlinks following ( I do not like having /etc files referring to stuff into $HOME... ).
I doubt it's the reason, though.

Are you sure your files are recognized by mpd? I mean, if you try to use wma for example, it won't work ( at least, it never did on my installs ). Also, what you could do is starting mpd as user, while searching about what does not work.

Also, as other users, I would try to debug from mpc first. This tool will anyway probably be useful to you someday, if you want to configure some keyboard bindings into your favorite window manager.

Also, you could send your complete mpd.conf to the list, so that we could see if something here is wrong.

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