On Lu, 10 mar 14, 23:58:32, Anubhav Yadav wrote:
> Yes I have now configured mpd as a normal user using this guide.
> http://crunchbang.org/forums/viewtopic.php?id=17386
> I would appreciate if someone goes through the guide and see if it has
> any security issues.
> The guide is written for a single user, not for system wide!

Well, the point of the

    user    "mpd"

directive in mpd.conf (on Debian enabled by default, despite the comment 
in the file) is to have mpd drop privileges to that user. In my very 
humble opinion, this is probably even safer than running mpd under your 
own user because the user 'mpd' is quite locked down (not a member of 
any group, it has /bin/false as login shell and /var/lib/mpd as home). 

There might be some fiddling necessary with the access rights, but then 
you're fine.

Kind regards,
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