So the operations are simply setting up an environment for doing the
rescue, not overwriting the existing system?  I'm happy to change my
expectation if that's the case.    Maybe by the end of it there is a more
complete system, e.g., with bash.

In the meantime I've downloaded the first CD of the Debian live CD's.

On Fri, Nov 20, 2015 at 11:59 AM, Brian <> wrote:

> On Fri 20 Nov 2015 at 11:18:41 -0800, Ross Boylan wrote:
> > After booting the Debian 8.2 netinst iso I noticed a couple of oddities.
> >
> > First, I selected advanced and rescue, but this seemed to end up walking
> me
> > through the installer.  I was expecting to be dropped into a shell.  At
> the
> > screen that asked for system name I switched virtual terminals.
> Ye of little faith; the top left-hand of the screen says "Rescue mode".
> Your expectations do not accord with what Rescue mode does to prepare
> the environment for accessing the installer's commands, Which should
> change - your expectations or the installer?
> It's a pity you didn't progress from the step asking for the hostname.

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