The problem is that the bootable USB flash drive needs to be done in Windows.
Linux is not installed to main system. There are only a feeble laptop with 
ArhLinux - Cinnamon+gdm, but a without internet.

21.08.2016, 22:44, "Thomas Schmitt" <>:
> Hi,
> Виталий wrote:
>>  Where do I get the image of one file? To write to a USB flash drive
>>  to 32GB. To install without the Internet?
> Consider the first BD image for amd64:
> or for 32 bit i386
> Together with their files
> they describe the content of large ISO 9660 images for 25 GB media.
> For download instructions see
> The resulting ISO image may then be put on the stick by copying it
> to its base device file (i.e. /dev/sdc not /dev/sdc1):
>   dd if=debian-8.5.0-amd64-BD-1.iso bs=1M of=/dev/sdc
> PC-BIOS and EFI should be willing to boot the stick.
> Partition editors should afterwards report "DOS" style partitions.
> Do not change them. At most add new "DOS" style partitions.
> Have a nice day :)
> Thomas

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