On 09/15/2016 12:17 PM, David Wright wrote:
On Wed 14 Sep 2016 at 20:05:50 (-0400), Felix Miata wrote:
Alan McConnell composed on 2016-09-14 17:11 (UTC-0400):

My final problem is: how to get my Jessie to get on line.  I don't think this is
anything anyone here can help me with, since I live in a retirement community
which has a huge contract with Comcast.

Is it a cable account, or is it a DSL account? Appropriate help from
here, should you choose to accept any, depends on your answer.

I called a tech person here, and he gave me
a username and password which got me, and keeps me, online . . . but only for 
Windoze side.  I gotta do some exploring to see if I can make this work with 

Luckily[1], I'm not a Comcast subscriber, so I cannot speak to this
from experience. Maybe something following can spur you into finding
a path to a solution.

ISTR that some cablecos provide both a router (aka firewall and
possibly a switch) and a modem in the same box, like DSL providers
typically do. DSL providers normally require a login process with
username and password. OTOH, cable providers typically do not
require login, depending instead on the unique MAC address of the
cable modem.

I always assumed that cable companies relied on the fact that you're
at the other "end" of a piece of wire that comes into their building.
When lightning takes out my modem, I shall just buy another of a
type approved by Cox. They'll discover the MAC when I connect it.
(I hate combined modem/routers.)

Obviously some others take a belt and braces approach, perhaps
because a multiple service is being supplied to a ?building(s) over
which they feel they have less control. We get the typical residential
service of one wire/service/bill. If you want to steal the service,
you need to get climbing.

I'm using comcast/xfinity cable internet, with no issues and have for some years I have always just been able to boot a debian system while connected to their modem and id automagically detects and configures the connection, no problem. If you do any torrenting you've got to use an encrypted pipe, or comcast will throttle you, but otherwise no problems.


all tony, all the time

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