> For human voice, I bought a USB audio card and plugged a third microphone
> into
> it.  So now I have:
>  mic1 for piano basses; |__________ plugged together into the
>  mic2 for piano highs;  |           above Y cable
>  mic3 for voice         -> -> -> -> plugged into the USB dongle.
> Then I do:
>  $ sox -t alsa default piano.wav
> and, at the same time, on another xterm session,
>  $ sox -t alsa wh:2,0 voice.wav
> where wh:2,0 is the USB device (do: `arecord -l' first).  This way I get
> two
> audio files: piano.wav and voice.wav.  The first one is stereo and the
> second
> is mono.  In the end I merge the two together with Audacity.  By default,
> Audacity puts the mono file just in the middle between left and right
> channel; but, if you like, you can have it weight more left or more right,
> in the
> percentage you want.  I must say that the result is acceptable, and
> more...
Why not do all that directly in Audacity? I am sure it works and it will
take care of the timing automatically


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