On Wednesday, February 21, 2018 12:45 PM, I wrote:

> I am running Wheezy (v7 = oldoldstable) and intend to replace it with a fresh
> install of Stretch (v9 = stable) before Wheezy's support runs out on May
> 31st.  I will try the default systemd installation and see how I like it.
> ...
> I know systemd doesn't have inittab.  Will the default installation leave me
> with a terminal interface whenever I boot?  If not, how will I accomplish
> that?

On Wednesday, February 21, 2018 1:11 PM,Greg Wooledge [wool...@eeg.ccf.org] 

> The default target of systemd in Debian is "graphical.target", which
> means that if you have installed a Display Manager (gdm3, lightdm,
> etc.) it will be started at boot time.
> If you don't want that, the other default target you can use is
> named "multi-user.target".  This one will not run a Display Manager.
> You can check your default target by running "systemctl get-default".
> You can set your default target by running "systemctl set-default foo".

That sounds like just what I need to know.  Thanks to you and to all of the
others who followed up with helpful discussions.
From: deloptes [delop...@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2018 12:35 PM
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject: Re: Wheezy to Stretch

Roberto C. Sánchez wrote:

> Just keep in mind that we all have different experiences and different
> reasons for thinking and believing the things that we think and believe.

I can only support this (in fact all your writing, but removed most of it to
make it easier to read).

12+ Years ago I had difficulties upgrading Debian and started following the
release notes. After this it was very easy to do an upgrade, because most
of the problems one would face during upgrade were already covered in the
release notes.
Even in the past few releases on one machine or type of setup it would work
and on another it would not and again the release notes were very helpful
to find a way out.

I would recommend anyone who wants to do an upgrade to follow the release
notes and contribute if facing problems.


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