From: Cindy Sue Causey <>
    Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2019 12:41:45 -0400
> * Is that the only live tab for each new session, ...

Sorry to say, I don't understand the question.  I don't understand "live tab".
Firefox should just open the static local page.  Shouldn't take more than a 
second or two even when the system is bogged.

> * Can you tell if this has something to do with Firefox crashing, ...

Will consider that, thanks.  It would imply two bugs.  The first causing 
firefox to crash.  Failure to open the specified page at startup would 
be a 2nd bug.

> * Can you try opening it via a terminal over your next few browsing
> session startups ...

I need to make a habit of starting it from a terminal until this is solved.
Otherwise will miss the incident too often.

> ... STILL be "alive" after a full reboot.

To my knowledge the only thing running on an unpowered PC is the clock.  
Some exotic machines might be able to run the BIOS or a Forth 
PROM from the backup battery or cell.  I don't know about that.

On most machines, no process survives a cold reboot.  If that appeared 
to happen, the process number must have been saved in a non-volatile store
and applied to a new process after the reboot.  Seems perverse.

Firefox now has too much automation and it's causing trouble.  We 
need a way to disable some of this paraphernalia.  Or a simpler browser.

Can the automatic search capability of the URL bar be disabled?
Other ideas?

Thanks,                      ... Peter E.
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