On Sun, Apr 21, 2019 at 08:30:53PM -0700, pe...@easthope.ca wrote:
> Drifting off the subject, but the banking I use invokes javascript. I 
> would have thought that unnecessary.  Should be possible to accomplish 
> the results with processing on the server and HTML5 on the client.
> Technology bloat?

It has been my experience that the more IMPORTANT a web site is
(government, bank, insurance, etc.), the WORSE it is.

Eventually I got to the point where I simply GAVE UP trying to use any
important web sites under Firefox + NoScript.  Even if I allowed all
the dozens of foreign Javascript domains that each web page relied on,
it would still fail due to <https://noscript.net/abe/> violations.

Your dream of a banking site that uses competent, non-broken web technology
is going to have to remain a dream, I'm afraid.

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