On Tue, May 18, 2021 at 11:46:38PM +0000, Andy Smith wrote:
> I can't think of an easy way if you don't have backups. If you have
> another system you could get a list of all its permissions like so:
> # find /usr -xdev -printf '%p %m\0' | sort -z > good-perms
> Then on your suspect machine:
> # find /usr -xdev -printf '%p %m\0' | sort -z > suspect-perms
> And then run this perl script:
>     https://gist.github.com/grifferz/1c478ea5eb789b2a1d1a3e49d2a9345c

The serialization format you're using (pathname followed by mode) is
not ideal for parsing.  I'd suggest putting the mode *first*, because it's
in a known, fixed format, and then the pathname second.  Obviously this
would require changing the script that's doing the parsing, as well as
the sort command (e.g. sort -z -k2), but it should be easier that way.

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