On 09/04/2023 02:17, songbird wrote:
i have an intel processor and it has the MAX which does
prevent it from going higher (100C), but i'd like to keep it
at 70C or lower.

I recommend thermald, which I use to limit my fanless 65 W i7-7700 CPU to 80°C, passively cooled with heat pipes connected to a heat sink on the side of a Streacom FC8 Alpha case. I use the xfce4-sensors-plugin to monitor CPU package temperatures and thermald seems to do the job. My config:

$ cat /etc/thermald/thermal-conf.xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <Name>Passive control of CPU temperature</Name>

I also mask thermald.service and use a custom thermald-custom.service to decrease thermald polling interval to one second because a lot can happen in the default polling interval of three seconds (IIRC). I use a custom service so it survives upgrades (last time I checked, polling interval was not a configuration option as it should be). This service file is based on thermald.service from several years ago and it might need to be refreshed from current thermald.service. You can add the "--loglevel=debug" option to ExecStart to watch it in action with "journalctl -f" but it will flood your logs if debug logging is left enabled:

$ cat /lib/systemd/system/thermald-custom.service
Description=Thermal Daemon Service

ExecStart=/usr/sbin/thermald --no-daemon --dbus-enable --poll-interval=1
# --loglevel=debug


Kind regards,

Ash Joubert (they/them) <a...@transient.nz>
Director / Game Developer
Transient Software Limited <https://transient.nz/>
New Zealand

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