On 2023-06-03 at 07:18, Max Nikulin wrote:

> On 03/06/2023 17:40, The Wanderer wrote:
>> Hey, now. I once had a Firefox session (with "restore tabs from
>> previous session" enabled, and about six-to-eight windows) with
>> 5,190 open tabs, and that computer only had 24GB of RAM.
> Modern browsers supports "unloaded" tabs, so most of your tabs likely
> were similar to bookmarks with page resources not loaded to RAM.

That feature was, AFAIK, first introduced in the BarTab addon which I
mentioned. So, yes, and although in hindsight I didn't state it
explicitly, I intended to convey that by mentioning that addon.

> P.S. Perhaps in future tabs as UI element in browsers will be merged
> with bookmarks and browsing history. The only prerequisite to better
> save state of scroll position and partially filled forms.

I'm not sure quite what you're envisioning, but one reason why I keep so
many open tabs rather than using e.g. bookmarks instead is because I
want to be able to preserve forward/back history within each tab; I
don't know of any other feature that enables doing that.

I also can't think of another UI paradigm for interfacing with such a
setup that would work any better than tabs do.

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.         -- George Bernard Shaw

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