On Tue, Sep 5, 2023 at 3:55 AM Maureen L Thomas <silver...@verizon.net>

> I keep getting messages that it is not installed.  So I went on line and
> found a link but it was for Sid.  I have bookworm.  I did not use it but I
> downloaded the one for bookworm, at least I think I did.  It is in a folder
> marked Debian.  I have tried every witch way to install it but am at a
> complete loss.  I tied su and then apt-install and that didn't work.  Dummy
> me I was not in the Debian file so I redid it while I was in the Debian
> file.  Still will not install.  I know the answer is probably very simple
> but for the life of me I have forgotten how to do it.  Is it important or
> can I ignore it.  I do have wifi.
> Grany Moe Again.

What error message do you get when you try to install it?

try "cd" to the directory the package is in then run "apt install

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